Brazilian General Command for Aerospace Technology

General-Command for Aerospace Technology
Comando-Geral de Tecnologia
Brazilian Air Force

CTA shield
Type Military; Research Center
In use 1953 - present
Controlled by Brazilian Air Force

The Brazilian General-Command for Aerospace Technology (Portuguese: Comando-Geral de Tecnologia Aerospacial; CTA) is the national military research center for aviation and space flight of Brazil. It is subordinated to the Brazilian Air Force(FAB).

It coordinates all technical and scientific activities related to the aerospace sector in which there are interests by the Ministry of Defence. It was established in 1953. It currently employs several thousand civilian and military personnel.



The CTA has four institutes within its campus.

Aeronautics and Space Institute (IAE)

In Portuguese, Instituto de Aeronaútica e Espaço. It develops projects in the aeronautical, airspace and defense sectors, co-responsible for the execution of the Brazilian Space Mission.

Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA)

In Portuguese, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica. It is one of the main educational colleges of the Brazilian Air Force.

Institute for Advanced Studies (IEAv)

In Portuguese, Instituto de Estudos Avançados. Responsible for the development of pure and applied sciences: photonics, nuclear energy, applied physics, remote sensor systems and decision support systems. In 2006, the IEAv inaugurated the T3 Hypersonic wind tunnel, the largest in Latin America.[1]

Industrial Foment and Coordination Institute (IFI)

In Portuguese, Instituto de Fomento e Coodernação Industrial. It provides military aeronautical certification and aerospace equipment approval, acting as an interface between the institutes and the industry. Until 2006, it carried out the civil aircraft certification activities, today under the National Civil Aviation Agency responsibilities.


The CTA is also responsible managing for the Brazilian Aerospace Memorial (Memorial Aerospacial Brasileiro - MAB). It is located in São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil.


  1. ^ Tunel de vento hipersônico T3 entra em fase de qualificação. IEAv. Retrieved on 2011-01-18. (Portuguese).

See also

External links